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Student Information
This page will help to quickly direct our students to all the most relevant and important information that they need to be able to navigate day-to-day school life.
Mā mua ka kite a muri
Mā muri ka ora a mua
Those who lead give sight to those who follow
Those who follow give life to those who lead
Links to Student Resources
Follow the below links to access all the important information that you need
Our Student Leaders can help support you in the following areas.
Kawa o Te Kura - Our School Rules
“Eating together as a school whānau”
Take only your share
All rubbish in the bins
Please be kind - Thank you
Try it, you may like it!
Trust that we are giving you the best we can.
“Arriving on time ready to learn”
90+% for all students
If you are going to be away make sure whānau informs the school.
Late to school, you must sign in at the student centre
All attendance is monitored by the school
Great attendance is a habit. Start yours now.
Personal Property
“This is your individual responsibility”
Clearly name your property.
School is not responsible for any of your property e.g. Cellphones
It is your responsibility to place your cellphone in the sleeve provided in your classroom.
“Wearing your uniform with pride”
Correct uniform is required at all times
Piercings - one nostril piercing and ears
One item of cultural significance can be worn
Hair must be tied up when required for health and safety
Tumuaki makes final decision around what is acceptable and unacceptable
Health and Safety
“Looking after each other and the school”
Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
Have respect for property both yours and the school.
You are responsible for anything you bring to school.
How to Print and Copy
Send printing to Student-B&W on print or Student-Colour on print.
Go to one of the printers in the school - Library, 20s Block, Student Centre, Tech Block. Take your timetable.
Enter your student ID number (found on top left of your timetable) and your printing will be automatically released.
Enter student ID number into printer/photocopier.
Press copy.
Lift top of photocopier and place the page face down, pushed to the top left. Close top of photocopier.
Press start.
Student Council
If you would like to contact the Student Council, please use the form below. All submissions are anonymous unless you choose otherwise.
We would love to know your thoughts and suggestions. Any questions, please email me on vanmai@hastingsgirls.com