Rangatahi Pānui

Term Four Week 5

Important Info for Juniors next week

Monday - Teacher only day
- Trip to Ocean Spa. Please bring: togs, towel, walking clothes and shoes, morning tea, and a water bottle.
- Trip to the movies, a scavenger hunt in Hastings and fun activities at Cornwall Park. Please bring: togs, towel, walking clothes and shoes, morning tea, and a water bottle.
- School-based activities, such as: Nerf Wars, giant lawn games, a slip 'n' slide, etc. Please bring: togs, towel, a change of clothes, suitable shoes, hat, morning tea, and a water bottle.

Lunch will be provided each day for the students. There is no cost to the students. If you haven't returned your permission slip, please contact the school to give permission, or bring the form to school on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, students are to wear tidy mufti to school each day.

HGHS Accord Days Year 9 & 10 Students

Secondary Teacher ACCORD days will take place on Monday 21 November and Monday 28 November. The ACCORD days are looking at the introduction of the new NCEA curriculum.

Year 9 and Year 10 students are not required to attend school on those days. Exams continue as normal.

No Buses: Monday 21 November

Monday 21 November is Teacher Only Day - no buses will be running! If you have an exam you will need to make alternate transport arrangements.

A message from our 2023 Sports Captain

Hi everyone my name is Ruby Schofield and I'm going to be your Sports Captain for 2023! I am so excited for next year and the events we have coming up. We are recruiting for our 2023 Sports Committee so if you are interested, click on the link below to apply. Have a great holiday and we will see you next year :)

Click here to apply for the 2023 Sports Committee:

Sports Committee Application Form

Teachers Union Meeting

On Friday 2 December school will finish at 12.25pm, so that our PPTA members can attend a paid union meeting.

Senior Prizegiving Information

Uniform Shop open this Saturday

Upcoming Sports

Monday 21 November
- Jnr A, Jnr B & Jnr C training in HGHS gym @ 3.20pm - 4.20pm
note: this is Teachers Only Day, so please only show up in time for your training at the gym.

Tuesday 22 November

- Jnr B training in HGHS gym after school

Wednesday 23 November

Waka Ama training at Clive River after school

Wednesday 23 November

- HGHS Jnr A vs THS Jnr A @ 6.10pm (Court 8)
- HGHS Jnr A vs NGHS Jnr A @ 7.20pm (Court 8)
- HGHS Jnr B vs HCS Girls @ 6.10pm (Court 12)
- HGHS Jnr C vs HNHS Jnr B @ 5.10pm (Court 9)
note: all volleyball players needing a ride to meet at the school van ready to leave by 4.30pm. If you don't need a ride, please email Mr T and let him know on: sport@hastingsgirls.com

Thursday 24 November

Senior Touch at Sports Park at 5.45pm

Friday 25 November

Ki o Rahi at Karamu High School
note: draw will be confirmed closer to the time

Saturday 26 November

Waka Ama training at Clive River in the morning

Important Dates

21 November - Teacher Only Day - ACCORD DAY
22 November - Junior School Beach Walk (8.35am - 3.00pm)
28 November - Teacher Only Day - ACCORD DAY
1 December - Senior Prizegiving
9 December - Junior Prizegiving
12 December - Last day of term


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