Rangatahi Pānui

Term Four Week 2

Link to our Fiafia Evening photos

Special Assembly Monday 31 October

We will be having a full school assembly this coming Monday to announce our Student Leaders for 2023. All are welcome!!

Spirit Week

Next week is the official last week for our Year 13s and each day they will dress up in a different costume to celebrate the end of their schooling here at HGHS.

Gumboot Friday 

In support of Gumboot Friday and raising funds to provide FREE and timely counselling for young people.  You are able to wear your gumboots next Friday 4 November with FULL school uniform.  Please bring a gold coin donation to show your support.

Police Careers - sworn and non-sworn careers expo

Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa-NZ Police are running a recruitment event on 12 November at 2pm. Please see the details in the flyer. It will be a great event to hear from the experts on how you can become a member of Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa-NZ Police. There are over 30 careers you can have as a member of Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa.

Sports Achievement Submission 2022

Please complete the link below if you wish to submit information about a student's sporting achievements throughout 2022. This will assist the HGHS Sports Department with selecting the recipients for the major sports awards. This may be for both individual and team/representative sports and the information assists Hastings Girls' High School in recognizing and celebrating student achievements.

Click here: Sports Achievement Submission 2022

Upcoming Sports

Monday 31 October
Junior Volleyball training 3.30pm - 4.30pm in big gym

Wednesday 2 November

Waka Ama training at Clive River after school

Wednesday 2 November

Junior Volleyball at Pettigrew Green Arena
- HNHS Jnr Girls A vs KHS Jnr Girls A @ 6.10am = HGHS JNR A IS ON DUTY
- HGHS Jnr A vs NGHS Jnr A @ 7.20pm (Court 8)
- HGHS Jnr B vs WCC Jnr Girls @ 6.10pm (Court 13)
- HGHS Jnr C vs Flaxmere Girls @ 5.10pm (Court 12)

Thursday 3 November

Senior Touch at Sports Park
- HGHS vs HNHS @ 5.45pm (Field 3)

Friday 4 November

Ki o Rahi at Karamu High School
Note: Draw will be confirmed next week. We will announce the draw on the daily notices & via email to Ki o Rahi students once confirmed. Transport will be provided to and from the venue
Any questions at all please contact Mr T on: sport@hastingsgirls.com

Important dates 

31 October - Final Student Assembly for 2022, Student Leaders for 2023 Announced
31 October - Career Navigator Graduation (12.40pm - 1.45pm)
4 November - Gumboot Day
21 November - Teacher Only Day - ACCORD DAY
22 November - Junior School Beach Walk (8.35am - 3.00pm)
1 December - Senior Prizegiving 
28 November - Teacher Only Day - ACCORD DAY
9 December - Junior Prizegiving
12 December - Last Day of Term


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