Rangatahi Pānui

Term Three Week 8

Performing Arts Festival

Thank you to all the performers, whānau and staff, who helped make our Performing Arts Festival the success it was. Although our live streaming cut off due to a technical issue, we were also recording the event and a video will be uploaded and shared with our school community on our Facebook page when ready in a couple of weeks. As a cherry on top, we also had a professional photographer there on the night. He is now preparing the photos and when ready, students and their whānau will be able to download for free.

Once again a special thanks to Sport HB - Tū Manawa without their generous sponsorship, this event would not have been possible.

Supporting our sports teams on their journey to Nationals

We would like to offer you the opportunity to support our sports teams in their journey to the National tournament in October.

This year our Senior Netball and Basketball teams have achieved outstanding success and as such have qualified to represent the school and region at the upcoming National tournaments.

Hastings Girls' Senior Basketball are the winners of Basketball Hawke’s Bay Secondary School competition 2022 and Basketball New Zealand Secondary Schools Zone Three Championships (regionals) tournament 2022.

Hastings Girls' Senior Netball are the winners of the Hawke’s Bay Netball Super 12 Secondary School competition 2022 and Lower North Island Secondary School (regionals) tournament runner up 2022.  This is the first time in our school history that our Netball team has qualified for nationals, and our first time in 10 years that we won the local Netball secondary school competition.

At this stage, we anticipate the cost per student to be approximately $300, which we hope to significantly reduce with your help.  

The Hastings Girls’ High School school community appreciates your support. 

You can donate by depositing a small koha to bank account 12-3145-0140200-00 and reference the sport you are supporting, either basketball or netball.

We would like to thank the below companies that have already jumped onboard:

  • Andrew Clark – Tremains Real Estate
  • Richard Liley – Tremains Real Estate
  • Debbie Dudding – Tremains Real Estate
  • Hikanui Capital Limited
  • Renovated HB Limited
  • KC Contractors Limited
  • JS Electrics Limited
  • Houses on the Move
  • Oxygen Hawke's Bay

Me te Whānau NCEA Workshop POSTPONED

Please note that this workshop has been postponed due the Queen's passing day of mourning. We will update you with a new date as soon as possible.

Sports Achievement Submission

Please remember to submit your 2022 sporting achievements on the HGHS Sport website. This will help us with selecting our nominations and recipients for upcoming Sports Awards (e.g. Sport Hawke's Bay Secondary School Sports Awards, HGHS Sports Awards, etc). The link is available on the HGHS Sports website. 

Click on the link below to complete the Achievement Submission form:

Link for Sports Achievement Submission

Upcoming Sports

Tuesday 20 September
  • Volleyball trials in HGHS gym
    3.30pm - 4.30pm
Friday 23 September
  • Switch Gala Day (netball & rugby) at Mitre10 Sports Park
    9.45am - 2pm
  • Volleyball trials in HGHS gym
    3.30pm - 4.30pm

Note: Term 4 sports teams will be confirmed by the end of Term 3. All permission slips and fees must be paid by the end of Term 3, prior to the season starting in Term 4. Any questions at all please contact our Director of Sports: sport@hastingsgirls.com.

Important Dates

Tuesday 20 September - Volleyball Trials in HGHS Gym
Wednesday 21 September - Blossom Festival Concert
Thursday 22 September - Te Reo Māori Symposium
Friday 23 September - Switch Gala Day
Friday 23 September - Volleyball Trials in HGHS Gym
Friday 23 September - Puhoro STEM Academy Term 3 Wananga
Monday 26 September - Queen Elizabeth ll Memorial Day
Monday 26-30 September - Tuvalu Language Week
Thursday 29 September - Senior Ball
Friday 30 September -  Senior Reports Issued
Friday 30 September - Term 3 ends


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