Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 4

Covid Red Light - Phase 3 Lunch Arrangements

In response to the latest changes in recommendations, lunch will be served to all students from outside Te Rourou from Monday. This will mean that while all students will remain in their Hubs/Kāhui during lesson times, they will be free to move around the school during interval and lunchtime. However, please do note that:

  • Masks must still be worn at all times other than when eating.
  • Physical distancing is still important and must be practiced whenever possible.
  • No students may eat or socialise inside the school buildings during interval and lunchtime unless it is raining.
  • Special meals may be collected from inside Te Rourou.

Smart Passports

Smart Passports will be distributed next week to senior students.  These will support students as they track their progress towards their 'Big' academic goal for the year.  Teachers will be meeting with students and supporting them to shape their goals and action plans.  Regular checkpoints to reflect, review and reshape plans throughout the year have also been scheduled.

Reminder from our Bus Drivers

Please wear your masks correctly and keep them on the whole time you're on the bus.

School Council

Are you passionate about our student community at HGHS? Are you eager to have your voice and other students' voices be heard? Are you excited to help and take on some exciting projects around our school? 

If you think this sounds like you, be sure to sign up for our School Council this year! Applications are open from this week to the 7th of March. If you have any questions, feel free to email Aashmeen (jalaas@hastingsgirls.com).  Fill out this form to be considered:



We are concerned about a current Tiktok trend in which people choke each other until one passes out.  We discourage all students from joining in on this extremely dangerous trend, particularly if the individual has underlying health issues. 

Kapa Haka Update

Kapa Haka preparation is currently on hold until students and staff at HGHS and HBHS  can work together in person. 

As soon as there is an indication of when alert levels will be adjusted, our schools and our tutors will have a hui to plan how we can set preparations in motion.

Student / Whānau Contact Information

It is important we have up to date contact details for students and their Whānau.  Please contact the school if your details have changed or if you are not receiving Text messages or emails from the school.

Congratulations Hirushi Perera

Congratulations to Hirushi Perera HGHS Dux 2021 ,she has gained a place in the Science Scholars Programme at  Auckland University.  Gaining a place in this programme is highly competitive & Hirushi will join a select group of Science students, who work closely with the University of Auckland's leading scientists and teachers to support & extend each other. The programme is completed in conjunction with her degree.


Our 2nd and final Senior A & Senior B netball trials will be held on Monday 28th February. 

Please turn up ready to go in your gear. If you haven't done so already, you must complete this Netball Senior A & B Trials registration form by Sunday 27th February: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...

What: Netball Senior A & Senior B trials
When: Monday 28th February
Time: 3.20pm - 5pm
Where: HGHS gym/courts

Note:  No spectators allowed. Everyone must scan in upon arrival. Face masks must be worn upon arrival & leaving the venue. Hand will be sanitizer provided.

Vaccinations and Sport

Students are no longer required to be fully vaccinated to participate in sporting activities outside of the classroom.

Football Trials

HGHS Football trials will be held on Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd March in preparation for our 2022 Football season. This is open to anyone who wants to play football. Please turn up ready to go in your gear. 

If you haven't done so already, you must complete this Football trials registration by Monday 21st March: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...

What: Football trials
When: Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd March
Time: 3.30pm - 5pm
Where: HGHS fields

Note:  No spectators allowed. Everyone must scan in upon arrival. Face masks must be worn upon arrival & leaving the venue. Hand sanitizer provided.

Junior & Senior Netball trials

JUNIOR netball trials will be held on 14th March, 3.30pm-5pm at HGHS courts/gym.

SENIOR netball trials will be held on 15th March (these are NOT Senior A or Senior B trials), 3.30-5pm at HGHS courts/gym.

If you're interested, you need to pre-register by completing the links below: 

JUNIOR Netball trial link: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...

SENIOR Netball trial link: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/f...

Note:No spectators allowed. Everyone must scan in upon arrival. Face masks must be worn upon arrival & leaving the venue. Hand sanitizer provided. Please turn up ready to go. There may be another trial date if required.


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