Rangatahi Pānui


For our Year 13 leavers, we wish you all the best as you start a new and exciting journey beyond school. Thank you for letting us be part of your story over the past few years, we feel honoured to have had the opportunity to support you in your learning and life. Your story is now part of our school story.

To our staff setting out on a new adventure, Denise Metz, Leah Flynn, Catherine Kelsey and Adrian Leake, on behalf of the school community, we thank you for all of your incredible mahi.  We won’t forget you and wish you all the best.  

Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hau
Catherine Bentley

Start of the Year Information

The following dates are important to remember ahead of our 2022 Return to School. Please note, on Friday 14 January our first Rangatahi Pānui for 2022 will be sent out.  This will have lots of important information and specific details of events and times.


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