Rangatahi Pānui

Te Rōpū Mana Wāhine - Wāhanga 4 (Term 4)

Te Rōpū Mana Wāhine will resume Monday, Week 1 Term 4 in Room 13 between 3.15pm - 5pm with Whaea Oriana. 

New members are more than welcome - this is a low-intensity rōpū for anyone and everyone to learn waiata and vocal skills (staff included).

A message for bus students

Masks are now mandatory when travelling on school buses.  This is a ruling by the Ministry of Education.  

We will provide masks for those students who do not have one on Monday afternoon.

The Hastings Youth Council Survey

The Hastings Youth Council, in conjunction with Hastings District Council, are currently conducting the Hastings Youth Survey 2021, which will help to inform our next steps for young people in the Hastings district.  

The survey is open now and asks young people a range of questions about what they would like to see in the youth space in Hastings. This will help us to understand what programmes, activities, facilities and initiatives that we may need to put in place in the future.

You can find and fill out the survey at www.myvoicemychoice.co.nz or click through to the survey from the link below.

School Calender

  • 19 October: BOT meeting
  • 22 October: HB Anniversary
  • 25 October: Labour Day
  • 29 October: Ākina Colour Shemozzle

Full School Calendar


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