Rangatahi Pānui - Wed 18 Aug

Classes this week

There will not be any timetabled classes online this week. All seniors are to continue with Internals and Junior student's are encouraged to complete work, use Education Perfect tasks and read. Please check your emails for any communication from your teachers.

Ways we will communicate

We will be changing the shape of the website, and this is where you will find all the information around distance learning. Please remember to check the website and Facebook regularly.

Must Do!

All students please contact your Ākina Coaches today.  We want you all to stay in regular contact while we are distance learning.

Need help?

This can be an unsettling time, if you need any help, you can contact you Ākina Coach in the first instance.

Benchmark Exams

Unfortunately, due to Alert Level 4 Benchmark Exams will not be happening at this stage.  We will work with NZQA and your teachers to make alternative arrangements.  We will give you another update on this as soon as we know more.  In the meantime keep working on your internals.

Out of Zone Enrolments

Out of Zone enrolments have now closed.  We currently have no more out of zone places available.  Please enrol as soon as possible to secure your spot on the waiting list.  Successful out of zone enrolments will be contacted via email over the next few days.

Read one book challenge!

This term in the library we are promoting the joy of reading by challenging staff and students to read just one book over the next six weeks. Register through emailing the library at library@hastingsgirls.com and start reading! On Wednesday 19 September lunchtime in the library we will celebrate our reading with some book chatter, prizes and maybe even character dress up (though attendance at the celebration is not a requirement for participating in the challenge).


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