Rangatahi Pānui

Week 7 Term Two

Junior Reports

When you receive your junior student's report at the end of term, you will note we are prioritizing our students’ own learning goals and reflections in their reports, instead of including the more traditional teacher ‘comment’ only. We are doing this to ensure that at the start of a term girls are thinking and talking about what they want to achieve, and then reflecting on their progress in a meaningful way with the aid of their teacher. This term we have also invited teachers to add a reflection where they feel it may be necessary or where a student has not been able to adequately set or reflect upon a goal. 

In addition to the new drive to grow goal setting and reflection habits in our students, we have asked staff to reimagine how they describe their students’ academic achievements and the growth of their important capabilities (habits) which make them better learners. You will note that most subject areas have now created detailed descriptors to explain what being a Novice, Apprentice, Practitioner or Expert means with reference to the subject’s learning focus each term. This is an ongoing process and we are very excited about the work that our staff are doing in this space and look forward to further developments as the year progresses. However, in more general terms, each descriptor can be thought of as follows:

Novice - new to the content and still working on a basic level of understanding and practise of the desired capabilities.
Apprentice - beginning to make progress in their understanding and practise of the desired capabilities.
Practitioner - has a solid grasp of the fundamentals and practises most of the desired capabilities, most of the time.
Expert - is confident and consistent in their understanding of academic content and their practise of desired capabilities.

Thank you for taking the time to read and reflect on these reports.

Year 9 Whānau - Junior Learning Hubs 2022

Year 9 whānau will have received a letter by email with information about the development of our Junior Learning Hubs for 2022. All information regarding this can be found at https://www.hastingsgirls.com/... and there is an information evening on Tuesday July 6th 6pm-7pm in the school staffroom. In Term 3 all Year 9 students will be asked to select their preferred Hub and electives for 2022.

Matariki Celebrations

Matariki is a time to gather with family and friends to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the future.

Here you can learn all about the Māori New Year and the Maramataka.


Well done Te Rōpū Manu Huia

On Monday night our students were invited to open Show Quest...and they did us proud!


We are now heading into the colder months.  Please ensure that all students have the correct uniform, so that they are warm and dry, both at school and on the way to and from.  From Term Three all students are to be in correct uniform.  If for any reason, this is impossible for you please contact Amanda Greville ge@hastingsgirls.com

Remember no socks with sandals.

The U Shop has jackets. The shop is open from 3pm until 5pm Monday to Thursday and on Saturday is the 3rd of July. Reminder that the shop is now located at Unit 2, 304 Eastbourne Street West, Hastings.

Student Timetables

From Term Three the Student Centre will only be printing timetables for students who do not have a device.  Students can find their timetable information by signing into Kamar.  If they are unsure on how to do this they can speak with their Ākina Coach.

2022 Year 9 scholarships now open

Applications are now open for our 2022 Year 9 scholarships in Performing Arts, Academic, Sports, Music and Chromebooks.

Entries close on 30 June 2021.


Open Evening

We welcome Year 8 students and their whānau to come along to our Open Evening on Wednesday 11 August.  

Make a note on your calendars! We look forward to seeing you there!

Don't miss out!!

If you are wanting to come along to this year production of the Wizard of Oz, get your tickets quickly.

When ordering your tickets online, we now only have pick up available.


Period Products

We are expecting our first delivery of our FREE period products from the MOE, these will be discretely available form the Student Centre, outside Miss G's office.  We encourage all to help themselves. Keep an eye on the daily student notices and we will let everyone know when they arrive.

Attitude Speakers

We are lucky to have this group back, to talk to our girls on Friday 25 June. The Attitude Speakers are dedicated to equipping teenagers with the information and skills they need to negotiate the adolescent years and build meaningful lives. 

Block one - Year 10, Ngaio, Tītoki and Mānuka
Block two - Year 9 
Block three - Year 11, 12, 13

School Policies

To view all our school policies, visit https://www.hastingsgirls.com/...

Creative writing competition

The library is running a short and fun creative writing competition for students and staff. Writing pieces can be funny or serious, any genre, any form and can be written in te reo Māori, Samoan or English. Enter as an individual or submit a collective piece with your class or Ākina group. All pieces are limited to 250 words. Judging is based on the fickle whims of the librarians (English entries), Ms. Iosefo (Samoan entries) and Whaea Evelyn (te reo Māori entries) so the judging shouldn't shape what you write - just write from the heart! There are prizes for winners and spot prizes for participants. Send your piece to wt@hastingsgirls.com by Friday 2 July. Winners will be announced Wednesday 7 July in Week 10.

Upcoming Sports

Friday 18th June
Senior A netball at Woodford House (Super8)
HGHS Senior A vs Otane Sports Club @ 6pm

Saturday 19th June
Junior netball at Mitre10 Park (Sports Park)
HGHS Junior A vs NGHS 10A1 @ 10am (Court7)
HGHS Nikau vs Iona Junior C @ 11am (Court16)
HGHS Junior B vs HGHS Manuka @ 11am (TBA)
HGHS Kowhai vs CHBC Junior C @ 10am (Court9)
HGHS Kahikatea vs SHC Junior Blue (Court12)

Senior netball at Mitre10 Park (Sports Park)
HGHS Senior B vs NGHS Senior B @ 11am (Court6)
HGHS Kakapo vs Karamu Tasman @ 10am (Court13)
HGHS Takahe vs NGHS 13Blue @ 8am (Court14)
HGHS Kereru vs Taradale Yr11 @ 9am (Court17)

Monday 21st June
Junior basketball at Taradale High School
HGHS Juniors vs Taradale Junior Girls A @ 6pm

U18 rugby at Elwood Park (HRS rugby club)
HGHS vs Manukura @ 3.10pm

Tuesday 22nd June
Senior netball (Super12) at Pettigrew Green Arena
HGHS Senior A vs Karamu @ 4.30pm (Court1)

Wednesday 23rd June
Senior basketball at Pettigrew Green Arena
HGHS Seniors vs WCC Girls Senior A @ 5.30pm

Rugby draw TBA but games will commence from 4pm

Wednesday 23rd June
Football at 4pm
HGHS 1st XI vs HNHS 2nd XI @ HGHS
HGHS 2nd XI vs Iona 2nd XI @ Iona
HGHS 3rd XI vs SHC 2nd XI @ HGHS

Thursday 24th June
Hockey at Big Save
HGHS 1st XI vs THS 1st XI @ 5.30pm

HGHS C1 vs Sacred Heart College C1 @ SHC
HGHS C2 vs Iona @ Iona
HGHS C3 vs Karamu C @ Karamu
HGHS D1 vs Taradale D1 @ HGHS
HGHS D2 vs NGHS Senior White @ HGHS

Friday 25th June
Senior A netball (Super8) at Pettigrew Green Arena
HGHS Senior A vs Outkast Sports: RDCL @ 6pm (Court1)


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