Rangatahi Pānui

Week 3 Term Four

Lunch update

As of Monday 2 November, all students will be receiving school lunches, every day.

Sports Assembly - Friday 6 November 2020

Just a reminder that the Sports Assembly will be held on Friday 6th November in the hall at 9.30am - 10.30am approx. There will be a guest speaker.

Akina Colour Shemozzle - Friday 6 November 2020
What is it: A range of fun events to earn as many house points as possible to win the House Cup at the end of the year.

What kind of activities: selfie frame, water slide, wall climb, camo net, tug of war, colour throwing, competitive & non-competitive fun run, DJ, chill out zone, 100m, 48 a side 100m relay.

Things you need to know:

  1. Girls MUST go to Akina time and Block 1.
  2. Come dressed in your house colours.
  3. At the end of interval, girls make their way to their House tents, which will be set up on the field, out the back of Te Waiwaia.
  4. MC Greville will read out instructions for the day's events.
  5. During the event, there will be colour stations where staff will be throwing colour at the runners as they pass. Please note you will most likely be covered in some sort of colour powder by the end of the day.

Year 13 Leavers Dinner 

Tickets are on sale now until 13 November

Breakfast Club

Breakfast is now available before school each morning in room 52 from 8am - 8.30am. Hot drinks, fresh fruit, cereal and toast. All students are welcome.

Big Day Out - Thursday 12 November

We will be hosting our 2021 Year 9 students for a day of fun.  Please make them feel very welcome!

University Papers and Scholarship Courses in Year 13

Any Year 12 student who wishes to do a University paper or scholarship within their 2021 timetable should contact Mrs Kelsey on ky@hastingsgirls.com as soon as possible.

Upcoming sports games next week. Please feel free to come and support our HGHS girls at their games!

Wednesday 4th November:
Volleyball Girls Division1 @ Pettigrew Green Arena
NGHS Jr A vs HGHS A - 7.45pm
HGHS A vs KHS Girls A - 8.30pm

Wednesday 4th November:
Volleyball Boys Division 2 @ Pettigrew Green Arena
HGHS B Girls vs Taikura class 9 - 5.25pm
NBHS C vs HGHS B Girls - 6pm

Thursday 5th November
1st XI Cricket @ Woodford House
Woodford 1st XI vs HGHS 1st XI - 4pm

Friday 6th November
Ki o rahi @ Karamu High School
Draw will be released early next week but games will commence from 4pm.

2021 sports volunteers & student coaches

We have started recruiting for 2021 sports at HGHS. We are on the lookout for volunteers to assist us with coaching, managing and supporting our sports teams in 2021. If you're interested in putting your name forward, please email: sport@hastingsgirls.com

Musical auditions Saturday 28 November

Next year is our combined HGHS and HBHS school production. The first round of auditions will be held at school on Saturday 28 November. If you are an actor, singer, dancer or just someone with big dreams and enjoy stretching your limits, listen up at Assembly Monday for more details and an important announcement.

Please return any borrowed school shoes/sandals or sports uniforms ASAP.

Music Tuition - 2021

If you wish to take music tuition next year please complete this form.

Vomiting virus circulating in Hawke’s Bay

A message from Population Health HB

A vomiting and diarrhoea bug is circulating through the Hawke’s Bay community, with the district health board’s public health unit urging parents to keep sick children home if they have symptoms.

Medical Officer of Health Rachel Eyre said a number of early childhood centres and schools, throughout Hawke’s Bay, were reporting a significant increase in tummy bugs.

Dr Eyre said samples tested, so far, had shown the bug to be Norovirus, which was a highly infectious virus that spread easily from person-to-person.

Symptoms appeared to be relatively short lived, many lasting just 24 hours, with most people experiencing vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and fatigue.

Anyone with vomiting or diarrhoea should stay away from work and sick children should be kept home for at least 48 hours after symptoms had cleared. Careful attention to hand washing would help prevent the bug spreading.

People with stomach bugs can be infectious after the symptoms stop and on some occasions for up to two weeks so it was important not to swim in public swimming pools for two weeks, and to be extremely vigilant around hand washing, she said.

It is very important to make sure children don’t get dehydrated so they should drink plenty of fluid and have oral rehydration drinks while they are ill. For information or advice Call Healthline 0800 611 116 for health advice that’s available 24/7, contact your family doctor or for more information www.ourhealthhb.nz

Sports Assembly 6 November
Big day out 12 November
NCEA exams begin 16 November
Athletics/Cross Country House Event 6 November
Clothing swap 10 & 11 November
BOT Meeting 18 November
Teachers only day 25 November
Year 9 Ocean Spa Day 2 December
Junior Reports 3 December
Year 10 Splash Planet 4 December
Junior Prize-giving 7 December
Last day of school for Year 9 & 10, 7 December
Senior Prize-giving 8 December
Last day of school for Year 11, 12 & 13, 8 December
Leavers Dinner 9 December


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