Learning Hubs 2021

Hastings Girls' High School is committed to building a curriculum which is responsive to the interests, skills and strengths of our girls.  We know that when we spend time doing the things we love best, we are more confident in taking risks and learning new things, we excel beyond expectation. 

The Learning Hub concept was introduced in 2020, with two hubs; Physical Activity and Design and Innovation.  Hubs are made up of both Year 9 and Year 10 students. Surrounding each hub are subject specialist teachers (science, mathematics, physical education, social studies, English) just as with the students, these teachers also have a keen interest in either physical activity or design.  The teachers work as a team, collaborating to create a rich curriculum which enables the students to extend their skills and knowledge in their specific curriculum area, through the one common lens. Students in learning hubs also have options such as performing arts, visual arts, technology and languages included in their timetable.

Ongoing monitoring of student engagement and learning outcomes indicate that the Learning Hub concept is proving to be highly successful. In 2021, we will be expanding the number of hubs to include Engineering Your Future - Science and Mathematics.  

Please continue reading for a brief overview of each of the three Learning Hubs on offer for 2021.  If you are interested in applying to be considered for a place within a hub, please complete an online application form prior to 20 November 2020.  Successful candidates will be notified before the end of the school year. 


The Physical Activity Hub started in 2020.  Feedback from students to date has been hugely positive, highlights being the connection between others in the hub and the numerous opportunities to get out and about learning beyond the classroom.  In this hub, students take a real interest in their physical health and development and grow a deeper understanding of what it means to be part of a healthy community and environment.  Students are not necessarily talented sports people, but rather have an interest in physical activity and learn best when they are active.

The Physical Activity hub is about:

Problem solving, Outdoor education, Creativity, Managing self, Biomechanics anatomy, Exploring, Making, Fitness, Games creation, Sustainability, Decision making, Invasion games, Contribution and participation, Communication, Well-being, Exercise physiology


The Design and Innovation Hub started in 2020.  The students have particularly enjoyed working in a mixed age class (Year 9 and 10's) as it provides opportunity to both learn from and lead others. Some students from this year's hub are thinking about exploring a possible career in the context of design. In the design and innovation hub, students will develop a greater understanding of design practice, knowledge and the nature of technology.

The Design and Innovation Hub is about:

Coding, Architecture, Problem solving, Industrial design, Creativity, Fashion Design, Exploring, Making, Media design, Interior design, Animation, Cabinet making, Pattern making, Communication, Jewellery, Food Technology


This is our newest learning hub.  In this learning hub, students will be exploring learning in their core classes through the lens of science and mathematics.  For some students, this may very well be the start of their pathway towards having a career in engineering or health science.  Through working with and alongside other students with similar interests, girls' will develop their ability to understand, investigate and communicate using both scientific and mathematical ideas.  

The Mathematics and Science Hub is about: 

Problem solving, investigation, using the languages of Science and Maths, critical thinking, using evidence, critiquing evidence, exploring ideas, thinking mathematically with scientific ideas, understand how different cultural knowledge contributes to our world


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