COVID-19 - HGHS Sports Update

Tēna koutou,

Due to Alert Level 2, there are protocols in place that we need to adhere to in order for HGHS sports to proceed. More general info available here: https://sportnz.org.nz/assets/Uploads/Play-Active-Recreation-and-Sport-at-Alert-Level-2.pdf 

Each relevant sporting organization will have their own recommendations based on guidelines from the Ministry of Health in addition to the info above. An overview of each sporting organisation's recommendations is outlined below, otherwise more information will be available on their websites. Please ensure all players, staff and supporters are aware of these and our own expectations.

HGHS will only be participating in sports that have circulated participation guidelines; at venues that have a plan in place to comply with MoH guidelines; and who adhere to/insist upon the following:

- Ensure gatherings are no larger than 100 people. 
- Use the QR code located at the school to register OR fill in the hardcopy tracing register upon entry into the gym https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/pages/contact-tracing-form-3jun-2020.pdf
- Sanitize/clean the equipment before and after each training and game.
- Wash and dry hands before and after playing sports.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Cough into your elbow.
- Encourage any players who are sick not to play and to let coaches/TIC know immediately if unwell.
- 2 metre distancing where possible.
- No handshakes or high fives.
- Take care in areas of multiple touch points such as doorways and door handles and clean hands if possible afterwards.

Further information on specific sports:

Badminton - Badminton Hawkes Bay: https://www.sporty.co.nz/asset/downloadasset?id=359cd517-d82d-4416-aa50-b3c7a0422279

Basketball - Basketball Hawkes Bay: http://www.basketballhawkesbay.co.nz/News-1

Football - GK Sports: http://www.gksports.co.nz/

Hockey - Hockey Hawkes Bay: https://hbhockey.org.nz/documents/health-safety/

Netball - Netball Hawkes Bay: http://www.hawkesbaynetball.co.nz/

Rugby - https://www.sporty.co.nz/hbrugby/Home-1/home

Ngā mihi nui,

Sione Taufa


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