Students assist paramedics

St John Ambulance crew responding to a call Wednesday afternoon (17th) would like to acknowledge the outstanding behaviour and actions of Hastings Boys and Hastings Girls High students who provided assistance to an elderly member of the community who suffered a fall and minor injury in Frimley Park. Tineal Pere, Montanna Hocking, Shahntae Ngawhika, Ottylean te-Houkamau, Shayden Pere, Jaydus Hungahunga, Kalib Walsh and Jaevarn Tapine-Ngamatu (sic) witnessed the accident and recognised the senior lady as being in some distress. They provided their own jumpers to keep her warm on the cool afternoon, assisted her to a bench and provided comfort and support to her in a vunerable moment. They made the 111 call, sent 2 of their group to the road to flag us down, provided information on scene to the crew that allowed us to understand the case and provide appropriate treatment, and even helped us carry her some distance to our ambulance.

I was impressed with their quick and thoughtful response and their care for our patient. We live in a moment where 'you do you' individualistic culture prevails and teaches people to not recognise others as part of ones own society. These young men and women however did not just walk on, but recognised a person they didn't know or identify with as being in distress and acted honorably. Without you being there the outcome could have been a very real health moment for that elder.

Your exceptional attitudes and care should be recognised and you all have the thanks of our patient's family as well as myself and my crewmate. 

Good acts matter, well done.

Tom Glenn | EMT | Hawkes Bay | St John New Zealand | Hato Hone Aotearoa


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