News ~ Pānui

Term One Week 7

Principal's Message

Kia ora koutou

This week we had the pleasure of welcoming our local MP, Catherine Wedd, to Hastings Girls’ High School – Ngā Rau Huia o Ākina. Catherine came to see firsthand the incredible mahi happening within our unique lunch programme. We are so proud of the high-quality kai being prepared every day for our students, especially given the tight budget constraints we are working within. Our team continues to innovate and prioritise fresh, healthy food for our young people. However, we know that with additional support, we could do even more. We are actively advocating for the government to increase the current funding from $4 to $6 per student. This would give us the ability to not only continue providing high-quality lunches but also offer kai at interval and ensure fresh fruit is readily available—something we believe every student should have access to.

I would also like to take this moment to remind all whānau to speak with their young people about social media and personal device safety. We are increasingly seeing issues arise from poor decision-making online, often resulting in hurtful and sometimes long-lasting consequences. Students should be changing their passwords regularly, never sharing this information with others, and thinking carefully before they post or share images. A simple check we encourage is: “Would I show my grandmother this?” If the answer is no, it most likely shouldn’t be taken or shared. Next term, we will invite Netsafe into our kura to speak to all students, helping them better understand the law, their responsibilities, and reinforcing good digital citizenship and healthy social media habits.

Next week, we are also looking forward to welcoming Year 8 students from a number of our contributing schools for their ‘Big Day Out.’ We feel privileged to play a part in their transition journey and to help them begin to imagine themselves in a high school setting. The day is designed to give them a taste of what secondary school life looks and feels like—from the pride we take in wearing our uniform, to the way we move around the school with purpose and respect, and the way we learn and stay focused in the classroom. These small but important experiences help students build confidence and prepare for the step up into secondary education, wherever that may be for them. We know that early exposure makes a real difference and we are excited to share a little piece of who we are with them.

Thank you as always for your ongoing support.

Ngā manaakitanga

No School for Year 9 & 10 Students
Thursday 27 March

On Thursday 27 March, there will be no school for Year 9 and 10 students due to the Year 8 Big Day Out we are hosting here at Hastings Girls' High School. 

Year 11, 12 and 13 classes will run as normal.

Pasifika Youth Leadership Day

What an inspiring day! The Pacific Youth Leaders Empowerment Day was all about uplifting and empowering young Pacific people, helping us recognise the strength, talent, and leadership within ourselves. Through powerful guest speakers, engaging workshops, and meaningful connections, we were reminded of the resilience, wisdom and values of our culture.

I walked away feeling proud of who I am and where I come from. It was a powerful reminder that as Pacific youth, we have something truly special to offer and our voices and actions can make a real impact in both our school and wider communities.

Tempryss Lauvao

Exploring Local Rivers:
A Hands-On Science Experience

On Monday, our students spent the day examining the health of four local rivers, conducting water quality tests, observing plant and animal life, and enjoying some time outdoors.

The day began at the Tukituki River, followed by stops at the Clive River, Ngaruroro River (Pakowhai), and finishing at the Tutaekuri River. Despite the heat, students worked hard to complete their investigations while also appreciating the opportunity to explore these important local waterways.

A big thank you to the Hastings City Council for providing water quality test kits, allowing our students to engage in valuable hands-on learning.

Year 9 Outdoors Elective Conquers Te Mata Peak

On Tuesday, our Year 9 Outdoors Elective class took on the challenge of Te Mata Peak and had an unforgettable adventure. The weather was perfect - sunny, warm, and with just a gentle breeze - creating ideal conditions for the climb.

The students powered through some tough, steep sections, showing incredible determination and perseverance to make it all the way to the top. Their positive attitude and teamwork made the experience even more special.

We are so proud of their effort and enthusiasm - what an awesome achievement!

Hastings Girls' Shine at the ECNI Athletics Championships!

On Wednesday, a powerhouse team of athletes from Hastings Girls' High School took on the ECNI Athletics Championships, competing against over 350 athletes from 25 schools - and they absolutely delivered.

We are incredibly proud to share that every single one of our girls made it to the finals in their respective events - a phenomenal achievement that speaks to their talent, determination and hard work.

Some standout performances included:

Tempryss Lauvao 
1st place in Senior Girls Shot Put and 3rd place in Senior Girls Discus

Soraya Palipane 
3rd place in the Junior Girls 100m Final

Alayna Stevens 
1st place in Junior Girls Shot Put and a new ECNI Record for Junior Girls

The level of dedication, skill and sportsmanship displayed by our athletes was truly inspiring. Congratulations to all the girls for their outstanding performances. We can’t wait to see what they achieve next.

University Visits Inspire Future Pathways

Massey University
Wednesday 26 March - Library 
Waikato University Stem Roadshow "Puzzling Pathogens"
Monday 31 March
1.45pm - Room 11
Waikato University Stem Roadshow "Micro-Bits"
Tuesday 1 April - Room 55
Waikato Scholarship Presentation
Tuesday 29 April

Important Dates

Monday 24 March
Year 10 OUT Waimārama Overnighter
Student-Led Assembly + Announce the Committee members
Tuesday 25 March
Five Films for Freedom - MTG Napier
Pānui Mai Training Day
Volleyball - PGA 
Wednesday 26 March
Massey University Presentation
Year 9 Assembly
Student Committee Team Building
Thursday 27 March
NZSS 3x3 Basketball
Big Day Out for Year 8 Students - No school for Year 9/10s
L2 Outdoors Ocean Swim
Friday 28 March
Whole School Pyjama Mufti Day (bring a gold coin)
Saturday 29 March
TRMH Kapa Haka Wānanga
Monday 31 March
University of Waikato STEM Roadshow PUZZLING PATHOGENS
Tuesday 1 April
Switch Gala: Junior 7s Rugby
University of Waikato STEM Roadshow MICRO-BITS (Computer Science Workshop)
Volleyball at Rodney Green Arena
Wednesday 2 April
Endorsement Prize Giving
Thursday 3 April
QRC (Queenstown Resort College) Tourism Presentation
Year 12 & 13 Pūhoro Students Wānanga Māpūrau - Te Matau-a-Māui
Year 9 and Year 10 Contemporary Innovation whānau engagement event
Friday 4 April
HB International Students Mini Games Competition

School Calendar

Please keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below
Link to School Calendar

Menu for Week 8


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