News ~ Pānui

Term One Week 6

Principal's Message

Kia ora e te whānau

Today our school was alive with House spirit, competition, and laughter as we came together for Swimming Sports! It was fantastic to see students embracing the fun of the day—whether racing in the pool, cheering from the sidelines or participating in the much-anticipated student leaders vs staff relay. In a closely fought battle, the staff team secured the win this year! A special thank you to Lindisfarne College for generously allowing us to use their facilities.

To finish the day on a high note, we held our annual Colour Run—a joyful, energetic event where students and staff celebrated together. The Colour Run also recognises Holi, a vibrant Hindu festival that marks the arrival of spring, love, and new beginnings. A key part of Holi is the throwing of coloured powder and water, symbolising unity, positivity, and the triumph of good over evil. It was wonderful to see our students embracing the spirit of the festival and celebrating the rich diversity within our school community.

Looking ahead, Monday 17 March is Saint Patrick’s Day and we encourage students to wear green in recognition of the many members of our community who share Irish ancestry. It’s a great way to celebrate heritage and show unity.

On the academic front, senior grades have been published today, ahead of our parent-student-teacher conferences next Thursday. These conferences are an important opportunity to connect with teachers, discuss progress, and identify any extra support needed. The earlier we can work together to address challenges or opportunities for growth, the better we can support each student in reaching their goals. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to make an appointment.

Ngā mihi

Reminder: Ākina Group Photos – Tuesday 18 March

A reminder to all parents and students that Ākina Group Photos will be taken on Tuesday 18 March.

Students should ensure they are looking their best by wearing the correct uniform and presenting themselves neatly for the photos. This is a great opportunity to capture special moments from the school year, so please come prepared.

Thank you for your support in making this a smooth and successful day.

Senior Parent/Teacher Interviews

Senior parent teacher interviews on Thursday 20 March from 3.45-6.30pm in the School Hall. This is an important opportunity to come and meet your students' teachers and discuss how the year has started. Please follow the instructions below to book appointments.

Follow this link to make your bookings: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code/gmxnm

Senior effort and goal setting reports will be sent home on Friday 14 March.

Outward Bound Opportunity – Scholarships Available

Attention Year 12 students! Hastings Girls’ High School has received two scholarship places for Outward Bound 2025.

Course details:
- Kaweka Course
- 1-21 June 2025
- Please ensure you are available for the full duration before committing

If you’re keen to take on this incredible experience, contact Mr Pera ASAP to express your interest. Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity.

Leaders Breakfast with Hastings Boys' High School

On Tuesday, our student leaders had the privilege of meeting with the team at Hastings Boys' High School for our annual Leaders Breakfast. It was a fantastic opportunity to connect, share ideas, and strengthen our leadership networks.

A huge thank you to Katie and her amazing kitchen team for serving up a delicious breakfast. We appreciate the effort that goes into making this event a great experience each year.

#Akina #LeadersBreakfast

Join our Enviro Team

Are you passionate about being a kaitiaki of our whenua? Are you interested in the unique plants and animals of Aotearoa? The new Enviro Team is looking for members to help build a greener future for Ngā Rau Huia o Ākina!

If you are interested in joining, please see or contact Ananya Tariyal (tarana@hastingsgirls.com), Ocean Dutta (dutoce@hastingsgirls.com) or Mr Woodhams to sign up.

Living World Hubs Explore the Rocky Shore

Our Year 9 and 10 Living World Hubs had an incredible day at the Rocky Shore on Monday. Students explored the diverse marine life, spotting sea stars, kina and even octopuses up close.

The highlight of the day? A pod of killer whales swimming right by the shore—an unforgettable experience for everyone.

To top it off, the day ended with a sandcastle competition and some well-earned playtime at the playground. A fantastic mix of learning, discovery, and fun.

University Visits Inspire Future Pathways

Don’t forget to save the dates for more exciting university visits coming up! 
Victoria University Pacific Advisor
Thursday 20 March - Library 
Massey University
Wednesday 26 March - Library 
Waikato University Stem Roadshow "Puzzling Pathogens"
Monday 31 March
1.45pm - Room 11
Waikato University Stem Roadshow "Micro-Bits"
Tuesday 1 April - Room 55
Waikato Scholarship Presentation
Tuesday 29 April

Menu for Week 7

Important Dates

Monday 17 March
St Patrick's Day Mufti Day
Yr 9 Outdoors Elective - River Study Trip
Tuesday 18 March
Ākina Group Photos
Wednesday 19 March
L3 Biology Trip
Yr 9 Assembly
Board of Trustees Meeting
HB Secondary ESOL Cluster Hui
Thursday 20 March
L1 Drama - The Suitcase Performance at Toitoi
Pasifika Youth Leadership Day
Senior Parent/Teacher Interviews 
Victoria University Pacific Advisor Presentation
Yr 10 Pasifika Connections HUB Ngā Pou ō Heretaunga Trip
Friday 21 March
GRIP Student Leadership Conference
L2 Outdoors Ocean Swim Trip
Monday 24 March
Year 10 OUT Waimārama Overnighter
Student-Led Assembly + Announce the Committee members
Tuesday 25 March
Five Films for Freedom - MTG Napier
Pānui Mai Training Day
Volleyball - PGA 
Wednesday 26 March
Massey University Presentation
Year 9 Assembly
Thursday 27 March
NZSS 3x3 Basketball
Big Day Out for Year 8 Students - No school for Yr9/10s
L2 Outdoors Ocean Swim
Friday 28 March
Student Committee Team Building Day
Whole School Pyjama Mufti Day (bring a gold coin)
Saturday 29 March
TRMH Kapa Haka Wānanga

School Calendar

Please keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below
Link to Calendar


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