News ~ Pānui

Term Two Week 5

Samoan Language Week

E muamua lava ona si’i le vi’iga ma le fa’afetai i Le Atua i lona alofa ma lona agalelei auā tapenaga o lenei vaiaso

Ae momoli tele atu le fa’afetai fa’apitoa i susuga i fa’afeagaiga ma o latou faletua, ae maise mātua o e na so’oso’o tauau ma tu’utu’u lima mai ma fa’amāmā avega e ala i le fesoasoani mai ua fa’afaigofie ai le fa’amoemoe sā alo atu i ai le fanau mo lenei vaiaso i le fa’amanatuina o le Gagana Samoa.

Fa’amanuia pea Le Atua i faiva alofi lima i galuega ma feau ua feagai ai, alofagia fo’i le ola a’oa’oina o fanau. Manuia la’asaga o totoe lenei vaiaso, fa’amanuia tele Le Atua,

Alofaaga o le vasega o faiaoga ma le aoga maualuga o tama’ta’i o Ākina mai Heisitini

Enjoy your long weekend

Senior Whānau Hui

Thanks to all the whānau who came along to the Senior Whānau Hui on Thursday. It was a great turnout and it makes a real difference when we can discuss students' progress face-to-face.

The Junior Whānau Hui is coming up on Tuesday 18 June from 4-6pm in the School Hall. This will be an opportunity to come in and meet teachers and discuss your student's progress. There will be no booking system for these interviews so please come along when it suits between 4-6pm.


Thank you Whānau for your continued support around attendance. It is so important for the students' learning success.

After receiving the school's attendance report for Term 1, we are excited to see the regular attendance for our ākonga has almost doubled. This is a great improvement from Term 1 last year.

We understand that there are a number of reasons why students cannot attend school and we really appreciate when whānau call in to report absences. However the Ministry of Education state that the following are NOT acceptable reasons for missing school:

  • minding the house/house inspection

  • looking after children

  • shopping

  • birthdays

  • holidays

  • work

These will be marked as unjustified and will affect student attendance percentages.

Justified Reasons for absences are unexpected events such as breakdowns, road closures or weather, planned events such as national or regional sports representation - this is representing a New Zealand or Hawke's Bay sports team. Other justified reasons are bereavement and exceptional family circumstances.

Thank you all for your continued support

He Korowai Wananga

Our ākonga will create their own korowai. This workshop focuses on kaitiakitanga, whanaungatanga, and manaakitanga, fostering cultural understanding, aligned with the celebrations of Matariki.

NZ Careers Expo

Our Year 12 students attended the Careers Expo on Monday at Pettigrew Green Arena. The Expo gives senior students the opportunity to talk with tertiary providers, local industry, government departments and training providers about the multitude of career options.

POCE 2024 - Pacific on Campus Experience

Olive Williams, Year 13, received a scholarship from the University of Otago to attend POCE 2024. It was a four-day trip which Olive was the only student in Hawke's Bay to receive. While Olive was away she met with Pacific students from other schools around New Zealand. She attended law lectures and experienced campus life which Olive says she is beyond grateful and blessed for. She also encourages all students to attend these programmes.

Menu for Week 6

Universities Visiting HGHS

This is your chance to hear about what courses they offer and what the entrance requirements are, etc. Even if you're not sure what tertiary study you want to do when you leave school, come and listen - it may give you some ideas you haven't thought about. Even if you don't get your UE, many universities now offer bridging courses to pathway you into a degree. There are also lots of scholarships on offer and other information sessions so please put the below dates on your calendar:

Futureopoly (Year 11) 
Wednesday 5 June  9am   HB Showgrounds
EIT Info & Enrolment Day  
Thursday 13 June  9am   EIT Campus
Waikato Uni Course Planning 
Monday   12 August  11.15am  Library
Uni of Canterbury     
Tuesday 13 August  9.45am  Library

Upcoming Sports 

Hockey Wednesday 5 June
HGHS 1st X1 vs HNHS 2nd X1 @ HGHS 4pm

Important Dates

Monday 3 June
- King's Birthday - No School
Tuesday 4 June
- Teacher Only Day - No School
Wednesday 5 June
- Out on the Shelves Activities in the Library
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Te Mata Peak Training Walk
- Futureopoly Careers Event
- House Assembly 
Thursday 6 June
- Defensive Driving Course
Friday 7 June
- House Concert - GOLD
- Ngā Manu Kōrero Regional Competition
Monday 10 June
- International Languages Week 
- Out on the Shelves Activities in the Library
- Girls with Hi-Vis Unison Event
- School Assembly 
Tuesday 11 June
- Exploring the Great Outdoors Hub A & B - Te Ngahere Overnight Tramp
- Defensive Driving Course
Wednesday 12 June
- House Assembly
Thursday 13 June
- Defensive Driving Course
Friday 14 June 
- Level 1 PE Kotahitanga Assessment


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