Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 9

Easter Break

Wishing you all a safe and happy long weekend. Please remember that school will be closed Friday 29 March, Monday 1 April & Tuesday 2 April. We look forward to seeing our students back on Wednesday 3 April. 

Sports Update

3x3 Basketball

The 3x3 Basketball team travelled to Lower Hutt last week to compete in the central region 3x3 competition. The girls were amazing placing 3rd in the region which secured them a spot to go to Nationals. The girls will travel back down to Wellington in the first weekend of the holidays to compete against the best schools in the 3x3 Nationals.

Waka Ama

2024 National Secondary Waka Ama Results
There were 136 schools, 2014 paddlers from throughout NZ and some exhibition Tahitian teams participating. HGHS were among many World champions but were not phased in their novice competition.
- Plate final in a Mixed W12 race with Napier Boys' High School
- Plate semifinal W6 500m
- Plate semi W6 250m
- Bowl semifinal W6 250m
- Bowl semifinal W6 500m
- Bowl final W6 500m


The Volleyball Senior A Squad went down to Palmerston North last week to compete in the Nationals Volleyball tournament. The girls did amazing placing 12th place in Division 2 and 28th overall out of 103 teams.

Menu for Week 10

School Calendar 

We have another busy/fun year ahead so ask that you keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below.
Link to School Calendar

Important Dates

Monday 1 April
- Easter Monday - No school
Tuesday 2 April
- Easter Tuesday - No school
Wednesday 3 April
- Year 9/10 Rugby/Netball Switch 
Thursday 4 April 
- Level 1 PE Assessment 
Friday 5 April
- House Assembly - Haka Comp
- Level 2/3 Ocean Swim
Monday 8 April
- School Assembly 
Tuesday 9 April
- Otago Mathematics Competition
Wednesday 10 April
- Level 1 Physical Education Camp - Tutira
- Pānui Mai Training and Visit to Frimley
Thursday 11 April
- School Production - Matinee & Evening Show
- Service IQ Tutorial
Friday 12 April
- Basketball Nationals
- School Production 
- Last day of term


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