Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 3

Huia Kaimanawa

This is the final call to register your interest to join Te Huia Kaimanawa leadership rōpū. Please email Amorangi Caity MacDonald (maccai@hastingsgirls.com). Closing date Wednesday 21 February. Nui ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa.

Kapa Haka

Ākonga who are interested or have signed up for Kapa Haka will meet in the Hall on Friday 23 February at Lunchtime AFTER eating time.

The University of Waikato Experience Trip

Twenty Year 12 and 13 students had the amazing opportunity this week to travel to The University of Waikato for two nights to experience the life of a student. We stayed in the halls of residence, attended workshops put on by the different faculties, and were able to talk to current students to learn about their university experience.

This trip was a great way of seeing if university life is for us and if we can see ourselves in this space. A huge thank you to Waikato for making this experience available to us.

School Production

This year Hastings Girls' High School has chosen to perform the one act play Darklight by Lindsay Price. 

Darklight examines depression and anxiety in teens. Characters fight their inner thoughts, search for their truths, and have surreal conversations with death. Some fail, some find hope.

This is a relevant and necessary issue to explore. Whaea Rose (Guidance Counsellor) and Catherine Bentley (Principal) are supportive of the decision to stage this play. 

If you are interested in being part of this special school event, register your interest in the link below. 

Please contact Mrs Ferguson with any questions regarding the 2024 school production. 

Rehearsals will begin Wednesday 21 February. 

Sign Up at the Student Centre or use the link below:
Sign Up Link

Lunch Menu Week 4

School Calendar 

We have another busy/fun year ahead so ask that you keep an eye on the school calendar to ensure that students are arriving at school prepared for the day's activities. You can find the calendar in the drop down menu of our website or click on the link below.

School Calendar Link

Important Dates

Monday 19 February
- Hawke's Bay Opera Trip, Romeo + Juliet 
- Junior LOMAS & e-asTTle Testing
- School Assembly
Wednesday 21 February
- House Assembly
- HGHS BOT Meeting
Monday 26 February
- Senior Netball Trials
- AUT (Unitec) School Visit
- University of Canterbury School Visit 
- University of Auckland School Visit
- School Assembly - Student Leader Badges
Tuesday 27 February
- Senior Netball Trials
Wednesday 28 February 
- House Assembly
- BP Business Challenge 
Thursday 29 February
- BP Business Challenge
Friday 1 March
- HGHS Swimming Sports Day 


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