Term Two Week 5

Uniform Reminder

Correct uniform is required at all times. Can we please remind you that our footwear is either Roman sandals or black school shoes. Please ensure students are wearing our school jersey or cardigan. It is important to our school and our community that students wear the uniform with pride.

Hoodies, slides, birkenstocks and all other non-uniform items are not to be worn to school. Please ensure when students leave home for school that they are in the correct uniform.

When going on a trip our students are either in 100% correct uniform or in mufti as directed by their teacher. On a normal school day inappropriate items like ripped jeans and gumboots will result in students being returned home to correct this.

Important Netball Information

Hawke's Bay Netball have attended our school this week to remind our players, coaches and parents to please follow their code of conduct while attending Netball. 

We have been over a few issues that have flared up this season, specifically swearing, sideline behaviour and guidance on what to do if things are getting out of control during or after games. The girls have been told to inform their Coaches or the Teacher in Charge if there are any concerns at the courts and we will send this information out to our Coaches and Teachers in Charge to refer to, as well as what the process is for Hawke's Bay Netball. 

We ask that all players, coaches and parents please be respectful while on the sidelines; positive encouragement for our Girls and opposition only. 

We would like to remind our Hastings Girls' Netball whānau that we are representing our school and in doing so must act accordingly. There will be zero tolerance moving forward in and around above-mentioned issues by Hawke's Bay Netball and we ask that all our whānau please come together to help uplift and support our girls and our school, to be the best we can be, on and off the court. 

Coaches please expect a separate email with draw, allocated umpires, and information of the complaints process shortly.

Great Outdoors Hub

The two Exploring the Great Outdoors Hubs spent the day at A'Deane's Scenic Reserve on Wednesday. We saw one of the oldest and largest Totara left in New Zealand, made scientific observations on the flora and fauna and some of the girls even found the native tree/plant they are studying. The girls also used the time to take photos to create posters about looking after the environment

Careers Expo

On Tuesday, Year 12s attended the Careers Expo at Pettigrew Green Arena. The Careers Expo provides students with the opportunity to talk face-to-face with tertiary providers and local career sectors (e.g. Police, Defence Force) about career pathways.

BBQ Training

Last Thursday and Friday students from the MVTP class and other selected students participated in a two-day BBQ course through Industry Training Solutions, at the Kia Toa Bowling Club. Students learnt about food safety and teamwork to create a BBQ meal. The students received Level 2 credits.

Upcoming Sports 

Netball Draw
Saturday 27 May - Secondary School Netball at Mitre 10 Sports Park
HGHS Senior B vs NGHS 11a @ 11am (Court 6)
HGHS Senior C vs SJMCC Senior B @ 10am (Court 14)
HGHS Senior Social vs Hastings Christian School B @ 11am (Court 14)
HGHS Junior 10a vs NGHS 10a @ 10am (Court 6)
HGHS Junior 10b vs NGHS 9A1 @ 11am (Court 2)
HGHS Junior 9a vs Taradale Junior A @ 9am (Court 7)
HGHS Junior 9b vs Sacred Heart Gold  @ 8am (Court 8)
HGHS Junior 9c vs NGHS 10B1 @ 8am (Court 1)
HGHS Ākina vs Iona A Tuesday 30 May @ 4.30pm PGA Court 9
HGHS Senior A vs NGHS B Tuesday 30 May @ 5.30pm PGA Court 6
HGHS Senior A vs MAC Blue Wednesday 31 May @ 7.45pm PGA Court 3

Hockey Draw
HGHS 2nd X1 vs Woodford Maroon Monday 29 May 4.15 @ UHS Hastings
HGHS 1st X1 vs TBC

Badminton Draw
HGHS C1 vs HNHS C2 @ HGHS Thursday 1 June
HGHS C2 vs HNHS C1 @ HGHS Thursday 1 June
HGHS C3 - Bye
HGHS D1  - 
HGHS D2 - Bye

Important Dates

Monday 29 May - Samoan Language Week
Monday 29 May - Te Matau a Maui Secondary Schools Ki o Rahi Qualifying Competition
Wednesday 31 May - EIT Visit re Tertiary Study
Thursday 1 June - Waikato University Visit
Thursday 1 June - Year 12 Rostered Home
Thursday 1 June - Level 1 & 3 Geographic Research 
Monday 5 June - Public Holiday (King's Birthday) 
Tuesday 6 June - International Languages Week
Thursday 8 June - Waikato Diocesan to visit HGHS
Thursday 8 June - U18 Rugby against Feilding High School 
Friday 9 June - Day of Silence

School Calendar

Keep up-to-date with all school activities by checking the calendar regularly.

School Calendar


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