Rangatahi Pānui

Term One Week 2

Te Haerenga ki Te Tai Tokerau- - Nā Turquoise Hawkins-Kemp

I tērā Rāmere i rere 10 o ngā ākonga nō te akomanga reo Māori ki te Tai Tokerau ki te whakanui i te rangi o Waitangi, ā, ki te whai i ngā kōrerorero o ngā hītori o te whenua nei hoki.

He maha ngā kaupapa matua mō tā tātou haerenga ki Te Tai Tokerau.
I ako mātou i te hononga o te waka Ngātokimatawhāorua nō Ngāpuhi me te waka Takitimu nō Ngāti Kahungunu.

I haere mātou ki te whare karakia o Hātō Meri ki Motutī i te Hokianga.
I reira te wāhi hei okiokinga mō Pihopa Pomaparie, ā, i akona e mātou i te hononga o Pihopa Pomaparie ki Te tiriti o Waitangi nā i haere mātou ki Waitangi hei whakanuia i te rā o Waitangi.

Ko ngā akonga matua o te haerenga e hāngai ana ki a Dame Whina Cooper nō Panguru me ngā hononga katoa mai te waka o Ngātokimatawhāorua nō Ngāpuhi me te waka o Takitimu nō Ngāti Kahungunu, tae atu ki Te tiriti o Waitangi me Pihopa Pomaparie.

Ko ngā mea parekareka ki a mātou ko te wā i haere mā runga waka rererangi, kei reira ai i kite mātou i a Nanaia Mahuta. Anā, ko i a tētahi o ngā kaitōrangapū mō te Pāti Reipa. Ko tētahi atu wā ko te wā i kite mātou i te Pirihimea o Aotearoa, ko Chris Hipkins.

Ko ā mātou tino mahi ko tā mātou haerenga ki te Rerenga Wairua ka whakanuia mātou i a mātou mātua tīpuna kua mene atu ki te pō.

Koia nei te tino haerenga o ngā haerenga katoa.

Mauri Ora e te iwi!

Last Friday 10 of our senior Māori students flew to the North to participate in the Waitangi day celebrations and learn more about the history of our lands.

There were many highlights from our trip to the North. We learned about the connections and journeys of the waka Ngātokimatawhāorua from Ngāpuhi and our waka Takitimu from Ngati Kahungunu.

We visited St Mary’s Church in Motutī, the final resting place of Bishop Pompallier. Here, we learned about the connection of Bishop Pompallier and the Treaty of Waitangi.

Our main learning was about Dame Whina Cooper from Panguru and all of the waka connections of Ngātokimatawhāorua and Takitimu, through to the Treaty of Waitangi and Bishop Pompallier.
We were all very excited to be able to fly to our destinations. On our flight we met Nanaia Mahuta, a member of the Labour Party. At the Treaty grounds, we also met our Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins.

But one of our most special memories was when we paid tribute, acknowledged and sent our aroha to our ancestors and our people while we were at Cape Reinga, Rerenga Wairua.

This was one of the most amazing experiences ever!

Thank you to everyone who supported our journey.

Turquoise Hawkins-Kemp

Leaders' Assembly Monday

This coming Monday we will have a special assembly and the 2023 Leaders will receive their badges. Some of their whānau will be present so like last week's assembly please continue to display our Ākina values when in the Hall.  Keep up the great work!


You may already be aware that the Ministry of Education are currently running a national campaign to improve student attendance at school. Data tells us that if students attend school regularly, their chance of success improves significantly. At Hastings Girls' we have made this a strategic focus for the year, with a target to have all of our students achieve the national target of 90% attendance.

We can't achieve this goal without your support. Our mission statement is 'Arrive on time, ready to learn'. We expect students to be in class on or before 8.35am or 9.05am on Fridays. If your student has a justified excuse for being late to school, please phone the school office or message us to let us know beforehand. To support you with this, our staff will be contacting you directly if your student arrives late to school without your prior consent. Likewise, if your student is sick or going to be away from school for the day for a justified reason, please let the school know in advance. Our pastoral team will be making home visits to whānau where students are absent with no explanation.

Bus Tickets

Please note that we only sell Waipawa bus tickets at the Student Centre. Flaxmere bus tickets have to be bought off the bus driver.

School Council 2023

If you are interested in being part of the School Council we need you. The School Council is a chance for students to have a voice about a range of topics. We would like students from every year group and need the Council to be a reflection of the cultural identity of our school. We meet during lunch time at least three times a term. This Council is run by students.

To apply click here: School Council Application Form

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about the Student Council, just come and see me or send me an email, Noorpreet Jalaf.

Sports Committee 2023

We are looking for more students to join the Sports Committee 2023.

The Sports Committee are the sports leaders at Hastings Girls' High School. This group is selected annually and part of their responsibility is to provide leadership, guidance and support through sports. They will be the student voice in sports and will assist with planning and delivering events at school. If you're interested, please complete the link below. Registrations close Monday 13 February at 12noon.

Click here to apply: Sports Committee Application

University of Otago

The On Campus Experience at the University of Otago will be running this year from 7-11 May, coinciding with their Open Days (7-8 May).

This fantastic programme has been running for over 20 years and provides an amazing, fully paid experience for students of Māori descent to experience campus life at Otago, live in a residential college and meet an array of academics and support staff. Hastings Girls' have had many candidates in the last few years attend the On Campus Experience and have gained a lot from it.

Please see the attached flyer for more details and how to apply.

Upcoming Sports

Tuesday 14 February

Senior A Volleyball at Pettigrew Green Arena

Draw TBC but will be announced by Monday 13 February

Note: Volleyball uniform will be given to Mr Gabel. Transport will be provided to the game. More details to follow.

Registration forms: Senior A Volleyball team must complete this online registration form before they can take to the court. Fees must be paid as soon as you can. Click here: Volleyball Consent and Registration Form

Friday 17 February

Ki O Rahi at Karamu High School

Draw TBC closer to the time

Monday 20 February

Senior A Netball trials 3.30pm until 5pm in the HGHS big gym.

Note: For those that cannot make it on this date due to other commitments, there is another trial you can attend but you need to let the Sports Department know that you're interested but you cannot make it.

Registration link: complete this registration link for Senior Netball trials: Senior Netball Trial Registration

Tuesday 21 February

Senior A Volleyball at Pettigrew Green Arena

Draw TBC

Monday 27 February

Senior A netball & Development trials 3.30pm until 5pm in the HGHS big gym

Wednesday 1 March

Junior Netball trials #1 3.30pm until 5pm on the outdoor HGHS courts

Note: Depending on numbers, we may add an additional Junior Netball trial.

Registration link: complete this registration link for Junior Netball trials: Junior Netball Trial Registration

Friday 3 March

Ki O Rahi at Karamu High School

Draw TBC

Important Dates

Friday 17 February - L3 Biology Assessment - Mud crab investigation
Monday 20 February - Hub Noho
Monday 20 February - Student Leader Photos
Monday 20 February - Career Navigator (CN) Buy In
Tuesday 21 February - L2 Biology Assessment - Rocky Shore

School Calendar 

Keep up to date with all the school activities, by checking the calendar regularly.

Click here to view the HGHS Calendar


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