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News ~ Pānui

Kia ora koutou,Welcome back to the first week of Term 3! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable holiday. We are excited to kick off the term with some wonderful news and upcoming events.Firstly, we are thrilled to welcome two new staff members to our team. Mrs. Nicky Blakeley joins our mathematics department, bringing her wealth of knowledge and passion for teaching. Ms. Hetty McLennan joins our Learning Support team, where she will be instrumental in providing additional assistance to our s...

July 26, 2024

News ~ Pānui

There have been some price adjustments to our Flaxmere, Havelock North and CHB/Waipawa bus routes from Term 3.  The information has been emailed to the parents/whānau/caregivers of those who have registered to ride these buses. Notices have also been given out to the students on the bus. If you have any questions regarding these changes please contact our bus controller, Rob Orr:

June 27, 2024

News ~ Pānui

Last Sunday, five of our students were involved with the Hawke's Bay Festival of Bands, playing in the Concord Symphonic Band. This year the festival included 15 bands from around Hawke's Bay, the Manawatu and as far as Hamilton. The diverse bands were from schools or community groups and were jazz bands, concert bands or orchestras. Our students have been playing as part of the Concord Symphonic Band this year which is a historical partnership between HGHS and Lindisfarne College being rejuvena...

June 21, 2024

News ~ Pānui

The Junior Whānau Hui/Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Tuesday 18 June from 4-6pm in the School Hall. This will be an opportunity to come in and meet teachers and discuss your student's progress. There will be no booking system for these interviews so please come along when it suits between 4-6pm....

June 14, 2024

News ~ Pānui

Thank you Hastings Boys' High School for hosting our annual Leaders Breakfast. It was great to catch up again, breakfast was delicious and we look forward to reconnecting later in the year for our annual Netball match....

June 7, 2024

News ~ Pānui

E muamua lava ona si’i le vi’iga ma le fa’afetai i Le Atua i lona alofa ma lona agalelei auā tapenaga o lenei vaiaso Ae momoli tele atu le fa’afetai fa’apitoa i susuga i fa’afeagaiga ma o latou faletua, ae maise mātua o e na so’oso’o tauau ma tu’utu’u lima mai ma fa’amāmā avega e ala i le fesoasoani mai ua fa’afaigofie ai le fa’amoemoe sā alo atu i ai le fanau mo lenei vaiaso i le fa’amanatuina o le Gagana Samoa. Fa’amanuia pea Le Atua i faiva alofi lima i galu...

May 31, 2024

News ~ Pānui

On Thursday 30 May we will be holding our Senior Whānau Hui from 3.30-6.15pm.This is an opportunity to come to the School Hall to meet your student's teachers and discuss their progress towards their academic goals and NCEA this year. You will receive a report on Friday 24 May that will summarise your student's effort so far this year and results in their classes.  If you have any questions please contact Mr Orr or@hastingsgirls.comPlease book a time to meet your student's teachers by goin...

May 24, 2024

News ~ Pānui

Junior reports were emailed home earlier this week. If you do not receive a report please check your spam or junk folders. If you still haven't got a report please send an updated email address to Rob Orr: and you will be resent the report....

May 17, 2024

News ~ Pānui

Junior reports will be emailed home early next week. This is an opportunity to sit down with your ākonga and discuss how their school year has started....

May 10, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

Junior Reports will be emailed home on Friday 10 May. These reports will show your student's progress over Term 1. There will be a whānau hui on Tuesday 18 June where you will have the opportunity to come and discuss your student's progress with the teachers.If your email address or any contact details have changed can you please update them by emailing Kay in the Student Centre office: or by giving the office a call on 873 1133....

May 3, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

On Monday 29 April we will be holding a special ANZAC Assembly for anyone who would like to attend. The Assembly starts at 12.30pm in the Hall and will conclude at around 1pm....

April 12, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

Our students have managed the change in our cellphone policy extremely well. It is wonderful to see students engaging with each other in positive and healthy interactions without the distraction of personal devices. Thank you for your support with our new cellphone free process. Just a reminder, if your student feels unwell during the school day, the process is for them to make their way to the Student Centre where our administration team will be able to contact home for the student or arrange f...

April 5, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

Wishing you all a safe and happy long weekend. Please remember that school will be closed Friday 29 March, Monday 1 April & Tuesday 2 April. We look forward to seeing our students back on Wednesday 3 April. ...

March 28, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

Next Tuesday 26 March is our Open Evening. School will finish at 1pm.  Morning Tea will be provided as normal.  There will be no lunch service.The Flaxmere Bus will leave at 1.15pm and all other buses will leave at the usual time.All bus students remaining at school until 3pm need to report to the Student Centre.All student helpers and performers for Open Evening are not to remain onsite unless they are waiting to catch a bus.  ...

March 22, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

He mihi nui ki a koutou katoa i tutuki i ngā taumata teitei i roto i te mātauranga. During Monday’s Assembly, we celebrated ākonga who completed their NCEA level with Merit and Excellence endorsement due to their hard work, determination, and perseverance in 2023.Merit Endorsement: Acknowledges ākonga who gained 50+ Merit credits throughout the year.Excellence Endorsement: Acknowledges ākonga who gained 50+ Excellence credits throughout the year.Kei runga noa atu koutou! Well done an...

March 15, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

1st BLUE HOUSE!!2nd Purple3rd Gold4th Green...

March 8, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

On Friday 8 March the Term 1 Senior Effort Reports will be emailed out to whānau/caregivers. This will give an indication of how engaged students have been in their learning at the start of the year....

March 1, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

We are super proud of Caity MacDonald and Tehia Taylor who are both in the Ikanui ki te Raki U19 Māori team that play an Easter tournament in Rotorua. Their waka is Te Pae Poitarawhiti Ikaroa ki te Raki (Wairoa to Ōtaki). Their selection into this team gives them the opportunity to be eligible for the NZ U19 Māori team that will be selected from this competition to represent NZ in Singapore later in the year....

February 23, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

This is the final call to register your interest to join Te Huia Kaimanawa leadership rōpū. Please email Amorangi Caity MacDonald ( Closing date Wednesday 21 February. Nui ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa....

February 16, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

All students return to school on full timetable. Please be on time as Block 1 starts at 8.30am....

February 9, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

Our Board of Trustees have identified three goals that the school are striving to achieve:Students/Ākonga achieving excellent and equitable educational outcomes - Ki te whaiao, ki te ao marama – the continuous pursuit of excellenceStudents/Ākonga seeing and feeling their identity, language, and culture on a daily basis -Providing a culture of extraordinary careDeveloping Students/ākonga as guardians of our past, present, and future - Reviewing, growing, and embedding exceptional c...

February 2, 2024

Rangatahi Pānui

From all the staff at Hastings Girls' High we wish everyone Meri Kirihimetea. We hope you all find some special time to spend with whānau over the summer break.  We are excited for 2024, can't wait to welcome back our students and meet all our new students and their whānau at the pōwhiri on Wednesday 31 January. Please remember to keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages in January for start of the year information.  You can also visit our website&nb...

December 8, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

Date:  Thursday 7 DecemberTime:  11amLocation:  HGHS HallPrize winners and whānau have been emailed. It is important that all winners attend the rehearsal on Wednesday 6 December in Block 3.The school day will end straight after Prize giving. The Flaxmere Bus will run at 12.30pm and all other buses at normal times....

December 1, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

This week our Junior Volleyball team attended the North Island Satellite Nationals Competition in Porirua, where they placed 2nd out of 22 teams!!!We are so proud of the team and their achievements at this tournament. A huge thank you to our TIC (Blossom Sale) and to our coaches (Neva Mua & Moira Fomai) for all their dedication and time they have given the team....

November 23, 2023

Rangatahi Pānui

Can students please remember to return the laptops they've borrowed to the Student Centre or Main Office. The devices are due to be locked which means they won't work until they are returned to school and reactivated....

November 17, 2023 Posts 26-50 of 294 | Page prev next

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